Since I have been here in Hawaii (a little over nine months now) I have wanted to take my camera with me on a walk around the neighborhood to take pictures of all of the flowers. There are so many different flowers!! On a five minute walk, I had almost two hundred pictures! After some scaling down, I still had too many for one post. So I decided that next month is FLOWER MONTH!! I have almost enough pictures for a new post/flower every day, so be sure to keep an eye on the blog!
I can't have a post without pictures, so here you go! While we (my mom, my son and I) were on our walk I stopped to take some pictures in front of a yard that, unbeknownst to me, had a guard dog. She scared the ever-living crap out of my son...poor kid.
He was so scared and I felt horrible for not paying enough attention to the yard to see that there was a dog there. This, my friends, is Cinnamon.
She apparently thought that even a seven month old child is a threat because she bolted to the fence and started ferociously barking at my poor stroller-bound baby. Luckily, there was a fence and no harm befell anyone...but poor Gabriel was pretty upset!
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